7 Essential Items In A Woman’s Purse When On A Date

By Joseph Pressley

As a woman, you must get ready when going on a date. There are a lot of things that you need to prepare and they do not only include what to wear but also what to bring. When going out to meet someone especially for a dinner date, you must bring your purse that will contain the following seven essential items.

Prior to going out on a date, you must place in your purse the enhancements that you will use to maintain your physical glow. They must include a few make-up items like lip gloss and powder. It is not necessary to bring everything. Just make sure to bring along a small mirror and comb to look at your face once in a while.

The second thing that you must not forget to bring is your cell phone. It is your means of communication where you can get in touch with other people when the need arises. In addition to that, they can also contact you just in case they need something important even when you are in the middle of a date.


Thirdly, you must also remember to bring along your wallet where inside it are your ATM card, a few cash and some of the important identification cards. Even if you are treated out by your date for dinner, you need to have emergency cash just in case you want to take a cab for instance.

Since you are going out at night, a flashlight would be best. It is one of must-haves on a woman’s purse. It is your emergency light when in dark places or when the lights are dimmed. Your flashlights can go with your pen and even your self defense stun gun. Just have one which is small enough to fit on your purse.

Moreover, you need to bring a pen or paper. These things are important especially when going on a date and you need to exchange your numbers, addresses, schedules or when you just want to leave a note or write something. These are just small items that would not put too much weight on your purse.

The sixth item that is typically important to have in your handbag more importantly when going on a date is a device for self-defense. You can have a choice on a lot of things. Some women even prefer to have a c2 tazer because it is small and handy and a reliable form of protection. Others bring along a canister of pepper spray.

Lastly, bring along your feminine products most especially a tampon. You can never tell that when on a date, it will be the start of your monthly menstrual period. When this happens, you do not have to panic because you have what you need inside your bag.

These are the seven essential items that every woman must have inside their purse especially when going out for a dinner date. You have to remember that it is best to prepare for the event so that you will be able to handle any situation with grace and poise like every woman on a date should do.

About the Author: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of BestStunGun.com which provides the best selection of

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mace spray

for self defense. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit http://www.beststungun.com.



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